Friday, April 11, 2008

Relationships are work...

At Community of Joy, we believe relationships matter! And they should. Relationships are what most of us are craving. However, they are hard work... lots of give and take. Lots of time. Lots of forgiveness and understanding. Lots of listening and sharing. Lots of putting others before ourselves.

The thing that keeps coming back to me over and over these past few days is this... we can't have meaningful relationships with each other if we hold back and keep our struggles, challenges, and joys to ourselves. When we share them with each other, we find traveling companions. When we share them with each other, we allow others into the sacred journey of supporting one another.

It's natural that many of us keep our guard up. We've had past experiences of hurt and disappointment.... but when relationships matter, we can trust enough to let our guard down and share our journey with other travelers and if we get hurt in the process... there is forgiveness and working through the hurt that keeps the relationship moving deeper.

Relationships ARE hard work... but they are well worth it! And I believe that we were created for relationship!

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