Friday, April 30, 2010

Sweet Sound...

Last night I met with one of the persons who will be baptized on Sunday. After we talked about who Jesus is to him, I showed him the Core Values of Community of Joy and asked him to read them. After he finished reading them, he looked up and said, "This is basically what you preach."

Wow... the only better test for determining the importance we place on our core values is living them!

Crossed another line today...

Celebrating today, because I crossed the 45 pounds lost line!!! Only 8 more to go to get to my target weight and then to maintain!

So thankful for my Diabetes! Without it I would not have been able to take off the weight that I knew I needed to get rid of! And without it, I wouldn't have developed a healthier lifestyle. Thinking about the Romans passage that says that All things work together for good, for those who love the Lord.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Got an advance copy of AND (the gathered AND the scattered church) yesterday from one of it's authors, Hugh Halter. He is also one of the authors of The Tangible Kingdom.

I don't have time this week to read it, but find myself compelled to read. I think it is going to be a very helpful book in navigating the waters we currently face as the church in America and the waters we face at Community of Joy! So much helpful and thought provoking material. I hope our area one ministers group will study it next, after we finish The Tangible Kingdom. And I think it will also be the book I use for our District Wide Book Conversation, that our DE asked me to facilitate in the future. I also hope that perhaps the Leadership Team at Community of Joy will read it.

Here is long quote from the Intro that I think is helpful.

"It's time for us to stop asking the same old questions about how to do church, and instead ask what every church must be doing to honor God's biblical mandates. We'd like to introduce you to the subtle power of the AND.

The power of the AND is seen in churches of all sizes where...

+ there is a balance between gathering a community together AND scattering them into the world.

+ the right things are centralized AND the right things can be decentralized.

+ resources of people and money find a blessed balance between maintenance AND mission, survival AND sending, tradition AND innovation.

+ fans are turned into followers, disciples are made into apprentices, AND consumers become missionaries.

+ leaders influence according to the design of God instead of the whims of people or the pride associated with production.

+ old skills still matter AND new habits of mission take center stage.

+ you can have huge vision for thousands of people AND live life in deep community and communal witness.

+ your church learns to live a fluid organic Christianity AND has enough structure to provide for any level of growth God wants (remember it is God who builds the church.)

+ you'll have to work hard, give up your life, AND have a blast!

As any church develops these ANDs, you'll be better positioned to influence those inside the ranks AND those outside; your church will make sense in the burbs AND in the city, during financial recession AND bull markets..... Welcome to the opportunities of the AND!"

Monday, April 26, 2010


This week our small group is working at the soul training exercise of creating margin in our lives! It is so necessary to have margin. Our lives are so full and we fill them to the brim. Margin is the edges of paper where nothing is written. It is also the down times and the times of renewal in your day. I have been working at creating margin in my life for a while now. Each day, I try to read a selected passage of scripture and pray. And each day (6 out of 7) I am committed to walking for an hour, which relieves stress and is time to think about life. And I try to have some down time at the end of each day.

Recently I have been enjoying reading Seth Godin's books... and in the one called "The Dip" he writes..."Quit the wrong stuff. Stick with the right stuff. Have the guts to do one or the other." If we apply these ideas, then we will be creating margin!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

In honor of earth day...

In honor of Earth Day, here are some thoughts on what you might do to make a difference. They came to me from David Radcliff of New Community Project. But he shares a source where he got them...

Seven Simple Steps to Protect God’s Creation

1. God doesn’t make trash—we shouldn’t either. Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle.

2. Walk, bike, hike, combine trips…but by all means, drive less—the typical car emits five tons of greenhouse gases every year

3. Make Earth-friendly food choices by: eating lower on the food chain (not eating meat two days a week can reduce your carbon footprint by 650 pounds annually and your water footprint by tens of thousands of gallons); choose organic whenever possible; plant a garden and save the energy and chemicals used to grow, package and ship food to you—not to mention the emissions saved by not mowing that much lawn…

4. Conserve household energy and save money: install low-flow showerheads (reducing by 1 gallon a minute @ 10 minutes a day saves over 3000 gallons of heated water per year), compact florescent light bulbs (500 pounds of CO2 per bulb saved) & energy efficient appliances; turn down the water heater & insulate hot water pipes; insulate and caulk walls and window; unplug or turn off computer at surge protector when not in use—save 50 pounds of CO2 per month; hang ‘em out to dry (one load of line-dried clothing per week saves 20 pounds of CO2 per month)

5. Turn off the TV—we average five hours a day, and they don’t call it commercial television for nothing

6. Plant a garden, join a local watershed group, go camping, or join a New Community Project Learning Tour to experience God’s earth up close and personal

7. Be a witness for caring for God’s earth by making choices that get attention: don’t use Styrofoam or other disposable eating utensils at the church pot-luck (bring your own table service from home), rummage through trashcans for recyclables, walk to church, give up meat a couple days a week, bike to the grocery store, use one-side clean paper for writing and printing projects, wear an NCP Save the Rainforest t-shirt, sell the second car—folks are sure to take note—and maybe think twice about their own choices!

Sources: Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Environmental Science by G. Tyler Miller; You are Here by Thomas Kostigen,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rain Making Success....

Today, while I was walking, I heard a story that I want to share...

A tribe in the bush of Africa quickly gained the reputation of having success at making it rain. In fact they had quite a record. They had 100% success! That's right, every time they danced the rain dance it rained! Soon their fame spread and they were called on all around to come and do their dance to make it rain. A foreigner heard of this and went to the village to discover what the secret was.... so, he asked the tribal chief, "What is the secret of your success?"

And this was his answer... "We keep dancing until it rains!"

Talk about persistence!

Day One Done...

I've been on Jury Duty all of April... which until now has meant calling in each night to find out if I had to report. Last night, they said, report on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Took from 8:30 till 11:45 for them to excuse me! Glad to be out! The case was going to take all day for sure... one video testimony was 50 minutes! What a process to sit through. So glad they let me take a book to read in the moments when I could!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Delightful First Day...

Today was the first day of turkey season...and it was a beautiful day to be in the woods. Got to the farm at 4:45 and was home by 8:30 with my first bird in hand! Got it all of video as well.

It was a bit cold, but the dawn chorus was awesome! I just love listening to the sounds of nature as the birds, frogs, and other animals come alive as the sun rises!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Big Picture....

Was reading recently the call God gave Samuel to go and anoint a new King for Israel. God didn't reveal the BIG picture all at once to Samuel. Rather... God revealed a step and then waited to see what Samuel would do. And the big picture was finally seen after a series of small steps of obedience on Samuel's part. I think the same is true with us. God almost never reveals the Big Picture to us... but one step at a time and when we obediently follow God by taking that step, he reveals another and so on... and in time... we see the Big Picture.

Thought Provoked...

It is good to have people challenge your thoughts! For me, it usually provokes thoughts that I wouldn't think otherwise.

Such was the case at a recent Small Group gathering I was leading. The topic of the night was that God is generous. And because God is generous, we don't have to earn his love... he generously gives his love to us!

Somehow, we got to a place in the discussion where someone in the group challenged (a bit) the teaching I have been doing at CoJ for years... that we ARE the hands and feet of Jesus. Their concern was that seeing ourselves as the hands and feet of Jesus might can quickly cross the line and become a way to earn God's love, forgiveness, and our salvation.

It was a good challenge... for it has caused me to think about this deeply. Now after several days, here is what I think.

We can NEVER earn God's love, forgiveness, or our salvation! NEVER! BUT, we must respond to that gift that we are given by a generous God. And that response IS to BE the Hands and Feet of Jesus. To share his love in tangible ways. The tangible ways we share his love are NOT attempts to earn anything. They are RESPONSES to the gift of his love, forgiveness and salvation. It is important to examine our motives for everything we do. But it is also important that our beliefs come alive in the way we live. We are called to Love God and Love People and neither is a way of earning anything. Both are responses to the love God generously shares with us.

John writes in 1 John, that if we say we love God, but do not love our brother, then we are a liar! If I say I love my wife, but don't act in a loving way toward her, then do I really love her? At the end of the day, our love for God and others will be evident in the way we live our lives... it is a response to God's generous love, NOT an attempt to earn a thing!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Milestone Day...

Reached a milestone of sorts today! Since being diagnosed with Diabetes and changing my lifestyle to include more exercise and better eating, I have now lost 43 pounds. That takes me to the weight I was when I was 16 and got my driver's license.

I would like to loose another 10 pounds to get my body mass index to a healthy level for my height.

I never would have thought this possible... but thanks be to God for the strength to make the changes and the diabetes to initiate the need for change! I feel the best I have in a long time!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where does Jesus live?

I've been reading Mark Foreman's book "Wholly Jesus:His surprising approach to wholeness and why it matters." It is a great read! Very enlightening.

Here is a quote that captured my attention..."In the current Western definition of salvation, Jesus is largely limited to the heart. This is not true of the largest portion of believers outside the Western world. But stereotypically speaking, when a Western-minded child is asked, "Where does Jesus live?" the expected answer is, "in my heart." This is all well and good if the child grows up to understand that Jesus also lives through my words, my actions, my fantasies, my goals, my finances, my relationships, etc. But sadly, for many, Jesus never makes it out of their hearts. He stays inside while the person passively waits for heaven."

"Salvation understood from Wholly Jesus' perspective reverses the direction of popular evangelism. Rather than offering to get people into heaven with the real results to come later, Jesus' offer concerns itself primarily with getting heaven into people and thus transforming culture now. He came to invade the lives of broken people and, through them transform a broken world. There is nothing we must wait for.... Jesus called that invasion the Kingdom of God."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Both AND not Either OR!

Lots of religious people call Jesus their Lord and Savior. And often I think those that hear that, think they are one and the same... But I think they are different and we need BOTH!

Jesus as our Savior saves us and grants us ability to live forever with God in eternity. So many people think this is all they need.

But then there is Jesus as Lord. When Jesus is our Lord, that means he is in charge of our lives NOW! He is the guide for the way we live NOW!

The reality is that following Jesus is about making him our Lord and Savior. We need his help in transforming our lives now, so that we can join him in transforming the world now... and then we also need his help to be able to live forever... he is the only way that we can get there!

It's a both and not an either or situation!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Part of my 6 day a week "take care of me" routine is to walk for at least an hour at the mall in the early morning. Usually I walk for half an hour with Sharon and half and hour by myself with some preacher or leadership teacher in my ear on my ipod.

Today, right after Sharon left, I was rounding the corner by Dick's Sporting Goods and heard a tap on the window from inside Dick's. At first I ignored it, but it tapped louder and louder. So, I looked to see what was happening and when I did... the sight brought a smile to my face and to my heart!

Inside Dick's, dressed in the store uniform - green t-shirt and khaki pants was Kenny... one of our guests at our homeless shelter and one whom I had contact with at the other shelters I helped with. He was cleaning the floor! A smile came across my face when I saw the BIG smile on his and his thumbs up. I gave a thumbs up and proceeded on my walk. AWESOME, God! Thanks for helping Kenny to find a job!

The next time around I looked in the other window and there he was still working hard. The last time around, the big steel door was opening into the mall entrance and ducking under it was Kenny and the manager. Kenny came over to me, shook my hand and happily asked how I was doing and then replied to the same question asked of him. He happily said he has been working there for 3 weeks! How awesome!

That's what we hope to see happen for our guests at the end of the program! Praise God for his provision for Kenny!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My First Book....

Last week, I had a Facebook friend suggest that I should write a book. I told her that if I did, she and my mother would be the only two that read it! I am not a writer.

But I have some ideas that I think would make a great book!

Yesterday, on a lark, I stopped at the Gospel Shop in Salisbury (a book store) and a newly released book jumped into my hands. It was the title that got me. I had not planned on buying that book (in fact, I was looking for a different one... they didn't have that one!) And I had not planned on reading the whole book yesterday (all 233 pages) but that is what I did!

Now I can't write my book, because it is already written. Someone has read my mind and expressed many thoughts that I have had for a while now... and he is making money from his book... much more money than I would have made! Since it is already written, I think I will have to turn my thoughts with the support of his thoughts into a sermon series!

The book is by Craig Groeschel, pastor of It is called "Believing in God, but living as if he doesn't exist - the Christian Atheist."

This thought penetrates right to the heart of the problem I see that exists in our churches today and why the church is not having much impact in our world for the Kingdom of God!

Craig begins the book with a confession of being a recovering Christian Atheist. I too have to admit that I am one too! I don't want to be... but truthfully that is what I am!

And then his chapters that follow are (they define what a Christian Atheist is)... 1. When you believe in God but don't really know him. 2. When you believe in God but are ashamed of your past. 3. When you believe in God but aren't sure he loves you. 4. When you believe in God by not in prayer. 5. When you believe in God but don't think he is fair. 6. When you believe in God but won't forgive. 7. When you believe in God but don't think you can change. 8. When you believe in God but still worry all the time. 9. When you believe in God but pursue Happiness at any cost. 10. When you believe in God but trust money more. 11. When you believe in God but don't share your faith. 12. When you believe in God but not his church.

Honestly, I would not have thought of all of these, but most of them would have made my book!

Craig ends his book with a chapter called "Third Line Faith" which I found incredibly interesting and helpful. Not sure I would have termed it the same way, but I like the way he did. Line 1: I believe in God and the gospel of Christ enough to benefit from it. Line 2: I believe in God and Christ's gospel enough to contribute comfortably. Line 3: I believe in God and Christ's gospel enough to give my life to it. Then he challenges us to live our lives passing the third line daily!

There you have it ... the frame work for my first book... written by Craig Groeshel. By the way he is a much better writer than I would have been!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Post Easter Thoughts....

While I was at the Mall today walking off my easter meals... I had a thought. (Actually I had many thoughts, but only one I will share at present.

Thinking about the gift of Jesus and the hope of resurrection... new life - eternal life. No question in my mind that Jesus offers us eternal life with God and that he is the way to that reality! But are we missing out on the ABUNDANT LIFE that Jesus said he came to bring us if we make our living totally about getting to heaven?

For me, Abundant life is BOTH life in this world AND the next! Otherwise it is only eternal life.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

God's Grammar...

Read this on Mark Batterson's blog... thought it was a great thought for Easter. "Never put a comma where God puts a period and never put a period where God puts a comma."

Easter is God's comma. The resurrection of Jesus turns death into a comma. Death is NOT the end!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Way to Go Becky and Aaron!

Check out this AWESOME article on Becky and Aaron Johnston. The article is called The Voice of the Voiceless.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maundy Thursday Reflections...

Today is Maundy Thursday... the term Maundy derives from the Latin word for "mandate"... which in John's gospel, after the meal and feetwashing, Jesus gives a NEW COMMANDMENT (or mandate) to his followers... "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another." (13:34)

What an awesome mandate! One that WILL change the world when we live it daily! One that WILL change each life that we apply it to!

As we gather tonight to celebrate the LOVE FEAST, let us remember and commit ourselves to live this mandate from this day forth!