Monday, April 21, 2008

A first for Steve...

Early this morning... My friend Steve and I went turkey hunting ... many thought it was raining... but it wasn't raining where we were.... it was a wonderful day in the turkey woods.
I called in a gobbler who had a harem of hens and he tormented us for the better part of two hours. Finally a hen broke away and came in and she and I dueled. She didn't like me at all! But then she lost interest and left as did the gobbler.
We hadn't heard a thing for a while and I was considering moving... but before I did, I got out the crow call and made a few calls to see if one would shock gobble... it didn't... but no sooner had I put it away, then my friend, Steve, said, "There one is!" And sure enough a big tom had come in silently and was about to beat up my strutting decoy... Steve said to me, "I can't get a shot, you take him... and I said.. NO you take him.. he is yours." And that's when he put up and shot and the bird never moved.... Steve had his first gobbler! YEAH! It was 21 pounds with 1 inch spurs and a 10 inch beard. What a GREAT day! So much fun to see my friend take his first bird and to share that experience together! I think he is hooked now!