Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going to Lancaster ....

Sharon and I will go to Lancaster, PA tonight to be at our friend, Joe's funeral tomorrow.

I've been thinking alot about Joe and his transformation lately. One thing that sticks out for me is that this guy who was a very timid guy before he met Jesus became a bold witness for the Lord after he met Jesus. Joe would never have gotten up in front of a group of people to talk about God, but that's what he did on countless occasions after his powerful transformation. He shared boldly in front of crowds like at churches and other events and he shared with his life...his compassion and concern for others.

One other thing that strikes me so much about Joe is that after meeting Jesus, and experiencing his grace first hand... Joe was filled with Joy and excitement and that joy was contagious. He walked around with a smile as big as the cat that ate a canary!

Another neat thing about Joe... now mind you, he was in his late 60's or early 70's when this change happened... but he committed himself to regular attendance in worship and daily Bible reading AND a small group. Our small group meet every Tuesday at 5 a.m.... yep... you read that correctly... 5 a.m. and the 7 of us became a band of brothers. The picture above is one they took and signed for me when I left the church to come to Community of Joy... it sits on a prominent shelf in my office today! The value of being in a small group and regular worship opportunities as well as reading the bible daily... is HUGE! And Joe often said it was those things that God used to give him the strength to walk away from 50 years of drinking without even a desire for one!

I thank God that he brought Joe into my life!

1 comment:

cathy b. said...

I had paralyzing stagefright before I came to Jesus. Losing stagefright was my most obvious change from the Holy Spirit. I considered it a weird thing until another Christian called it "boldness" and then it made sense.

What a wonderful encouragement your friend has been!