Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day Two of Hunting...

Today started at 4:30 a.m.   After a short 8 mile ride,  a short walk across a field and then 11.5 hours in a tree.  Felt like I was in the zoo.  Heard turkeys gobbling and yelping, had eagles, red-tail hawks, and buzzards in the trees around me, saw 11 deer total - 8 were bucks, 1 was a doe and 2, I couldn't identify.  4 of them were too far, 7 were less than 20 yards from me (none were big enough for me) and I saw 6 of them from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. and only one deer after 2 p.m. at 5 p.m.

Here are the pics.... WONDERFUL experience!

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