Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stopping the slippery slide....

At Monday's leadership team gathering... I noticed that again we are doing the slippery slide in terms of attendance, in spite of the fact that we continue to see new faces on a weekly basis! This reality troubles me greatly!

Yesterday, as I was riding up Rt. 13, I noticed the new Family Christian Bookstore was open for business, so I stopped in. I was perusing the stocked shelves and found a book by Nelson Searcy called "Fusion: Turing first time guests into fully-engaged members of your church." So, I bought it and read it yesterday late afternoon while on the deer stand (didn't see any deer -- maybe because I was so into reading!) I couldn't put the book down today until I finished it. It is an excellent read and has a process and system that I think will help us stop the slippery slide! The process is simple... it has three steps... 1. Turn first-time guests into second-time guests. 2. Turn second-time guest into regular attenders. 3. Turn regular attenders into fully developing members.

It's a process that is all about my favorite thing... RELATIONSHIPS!

I told the leadership team on Monday night that 2009 would be a year of deepening our relationships with each other in addition to deepening our relationship with Jesus! This process seems like it will help us do that AND stop the slippery slide...

I am interested in forming a study group that would read, discuss, and implement the process at CoJ!

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