Thursday, January 31, 2008

The pain of persistence....

I know that I was a real pain for the docs office today! And I am SORRY! BUT I was in tremendous pain -- the kind of pain that I have never felt before. It was so bad that I was tempted to go to the ER because I thought that would be QUICKER than the doc responding to my calls! I am dead tired, but can't sleep when I lay down due to the pain. Now that gout has been confirmed and the appropriate meds have been prescribed, maybe I can sleep tonight!

The persistent pain caused me to be persistent! And I know I was a persistent pain! Isn't that a real twist on persistence!

The pain of pain of pain....

The pain saga continues... the new med, vicodin is NOT working either! Don't know what is the deal here... but will be talking to the doc this a.m. Was awakened at 2 a.m. with shooting pain in my foot and could not get back to sleep, even after taking a pain med and hour early. No effect except to make me sleepy, but the pain is so intense that I can't sleep. WOW!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Pain of Pain...

Since Sunday night, I have been having some pain issues... Now I have a really high pain tolerance level (after all, when I get a cavity filled... I like to skip the novacane and just clench my fists). But this pain got the best of me yesterday a.m... after a sleepLESS night on Monday night, I called off a trip to Assateague to hunt Sika deer in the early a.m. and opted for the docs place instead. Told them that if they couldn't get me in before noon, I was going to the ER!

Seems that I am having a gout attack (my diagnosis, at present... not the docs, but after 8 vials of blood, they should know for sure soon!) Told the doc that the pain was an 11 on a 1-10 scale! She prescribed darvecet, but it didn't do a thing... So, the nurse said come back in a.m. for a different prescription and in the mean time take two darvecet. So, I did... and it knocked me out... but several times last night while still under the influence of the med, was awakened by severe pain.

This a.m. got the new prescription... a stronger med... vicodin. But the pain of it all is that this med in the past has knocked me out... so, how is a preacher supposed to get a sermon done when knocked out? Maybe I will get lucky and it won't knock me out... or maybe I can still work under the influence! The warning says, "Avoid driving, doing other tasks or activities that require you to be alert or have clear vision...." Wonder what effect that will have on the message! If might be a real interesting one on Sunday!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My office windows face out to our front yard and several pine trees. In my office, I have the computer turned so that I can face the windows and see outside (you know I am an outdoor person). Anyway, as I am working on the computer this morning, I notice some regular movement in the trees and so I start noticing what the movement is. It is a squirrel gathering pine branches and placing them in the Y of a pine tree to form a nest. However, it's work seems in vane... about 3 of every 4 of these branches falls to the ground. Quite a pile is developing at the base of the tree (I am thankful for this pile... these are branches that would have blown out of the tree in the next wind storm and they would scatter everywhere -- but now they are in ONE spot!) This is one persistent squirrel... a week or so ago, there was one doing the very same thing and the very same deal...with sticks dropping as fast as it placed them... finally it gave up. I wonder how long this squirrel will work today?

Sometimes we are a lot like this squirrel, we go through life doing things with results we aren't happy with and rather than change what we are doing, we keep doing the same things with the same results. If we find ourselves in a situation we don't like being in on a regular basis... it is time to ask... what can I change to get a different result. Or maybe we need to seek the advice of someone who might be able to help us... (I keep looking for another squirrel to get involved to help this one figure out how to build a nest that will stay!) Sometimes persistence is a good thing and sometimes it keeps us in situations that aren't good for us or aren't acheiving the results we would like!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Another beautiful call for sale on ebay....

My friend, artist Wil Goebel has done it again... here is the beautiful turkey call that he painted and I now have for sale on ebay...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Some more thoughts on enough....

Someone sent me this "poem" today after the sermon... it is good food for thought! Thanks!

To let go does not mean to stop caring,
it means I can't do it for someone else.
To let go is not to cut myself off,
it's the realization I can't control another.
To let go is not to enable,
but allow learning from natural consequences.
To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means
the outcome is not in my hands.
To let go is not to try to change or blame another,
it's to make the most of myself.
To let go is not to care for,
but to care about.
To let go is not to fix,
but to be supportive.
To let go is not to judge,
but to allow another to be a human being.
To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes,
but to allow others to affect their destinies.
To let go is not to be protective,
it's to permit another to face reality.
To let go is not to deny,
but to accept.
To let go is not to nag, scold or argue,
but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,
but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.
To let go is not to criticize or regulate anybody,
but to try to become what I dream I can be.
To let go is not to regret the past,
but to grow and live for the future.
Author Unknown

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thoughts on a snowy day!

Today as I went to the ministry center to shovel the sidewalks... something we have to do in the city within 24 hours of the snow stopping, I was prepared to shovel the walks in front of Bethany Lutheran as well.... But wouldn't you know it... someone from Bethany Lutheran had already spread salt on their walks, and I didn't want to shovel the salt off the walks.

Thought number 2... we need to get a snow shoveling team together...

Thought number 3... when we were planning our ramp... we didn't give thought to the fact that the building will provide shade and therefore, keep the sun from melting the snow and ice.

Thought number 4... I am thankful that God didn't make trees to have leaves year around. If they did, the sun would be blocked from melting snow in lots of places! Isn't God incredible the way he designed things?!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How far is far enough...

I've been working on a sermon for this week on the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25:31-46 where he says that when we feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick and visit the prisoner, we do that to him. And the question that I keep wrestling with is how far is far enough?

I remember hearing a sermon once where the preacher asked... when raking leaves in my yard, how far into the neighbor's yard should I go? Or when shoveling snow on the sidewalk... where do you stop? Same basic question here... when helping someone in need, how much help do we provide? Is there ever a time when you say, I've done all I can? Is there ever a time when you say -- No way!

And what about if the person truly is hungry... but you know for a fact that they are hungry because of unwise choices regarding money or job? And this is complicated by time spent helping the person with budgeting and counsel on wise choices.

Right now, I am dealing with this issue exactly... I've spent several years helping someone in many ways including financial and the need is huge, but the decisions of late are very unwise. At what point does the help become enabling for the person to live in the dysfunction?

Tough questions!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

For all you hunters....

Well known, Whitetailed Deer photographer and writer, Charlie Alsheimer is coming to Bridgville, De on February 9. Dinner and the program is $15 and will be at 6 p.m. at the Cannon Mennonite Church. I am definitely going to this one and excited to be so!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Ship Sunk....

Last night was the LAST meeting of the Eastern Shore Chapter of the NWTF. It is such a shame... it was the first chapter in the state of Maryland and was responsible for helping the Wild Turkey return to the shore. But due to politics from the national level and the opening of a new chapter last year in Delmar, just 6 miles away, the chapter was unable to find leadership for the future. I agreed to be president two years ago, with the hopes that we could chart a new course... but politics wins!

It's is sad to me that the ship sank on my watch, but then I have to remind myself that it had holes in the bow and stern when I took the wheel. It's a shame... something so good... ended... in large part due to greed.

We agreed last night to continue to work, though not through the NWTF, to host educational events for kids, introducing them to the great outdoors. Not sure when our first event will be but sure that it will be at Dick and Pat Hazel's farm in Eden... a farm that has been enhanced in great ways to educate children and expose children to the beauty of nature.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Off Day...

Not a day off... but an off day! Don't really know why... but it was!

Even my daughter told me after the first service that I "better plan my sermon better." I made a slight adjustment, but not sure it was significantly better....

It's tough week in and week out to bat 1000....

I want to do better than I did today... and don't want to get into the mindset that there is always next week.

I am confident though, that God can use even my bad efforts for good!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hard workers...

What an incredible bunch of hard workers we have at Community of Joy! Today we had 11 people working outside and three working inside as well as the praise team practicing!

We accomplished a lot on the outside... the wilderness is almost tamed!!!! By my count we took 9 loads of brush away with 5 of them being both trailer and truck load. It's great to be part of a group of people who aren't afraid to jump in and work hard!

Friday, January 18, 2008


After reading Genesis 1-2:25 last week... I am struck by the rhythm of life that God models there. And how regular the rhythm is... day and night, day and night, day and night. At the end of each day... a look back at the day's work and a proclaimation of it being good! Day and night... no mention of artificial lights or working at night. Day and night... good... day and night... good... for 6 days that was the rhythm and then another important element of a balanced life... REST! Rest is an important part of a balanced life! It is an important part of a great lifesong! But so is work! Rest and Work in balance!

Another important thing about rhythm is a time with God. I've been so glad to get back in the habit of a DAILY time set aside to read the Bible, reflect, journal, and pray! It is an essential element in a balanced life with God!

It was so exciting last night to hear how this element is making a difference in the lives of those in the small group! Looking forward to great things!

Just gotta keep some balance in life and that can happen!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What a good meeting tonight!

Tonight we had a good overview meeting for our time of serving our brothers on the street through our emergency shelter. Great turnout! Great information! Great opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus! Really looking forward to it!

Thanks Walt!

For the help with spelling!

Monday, January 14, 2008

FAR from Tabernacle to Temple and beyond...

In the last 6 months, the church that I serve as Pastor has made a move from years of operating in Tabernacle mode to a new way of operating in Temple mode. Let me explain... as you follow the children of Israel in the Old Testament, you see that while they wandered toward the promised land, they had a mobile structure called the Tabernacle where they worshipped God. For the 8 years that Sharon and I have pastored Community of Joy, we have been in Tabernacle mode... always setting up and tearing down each week and not having a permanent location that was ours. Now on July 22 of this year, we opened the doors of our new ministry center which is the opening of a new mode of operation... the Temple Mode. A permanent place which does not require the constant set up and tear down... it has other requirements...

I am grateful for the Tabernacle years because in those years, we developed some attitudes and practices that have taken us FAR... and will take us FAR in the years to come.

These attitudes and practices are:

F- Flexibility --- we are a very flexible bunch of people... able to punt when needed.

A- Adaptable --- we are a very adaptable bunch of people too! When a challenge arises... we don't quickly throw up our hands in despair or resignation, we seek God's direction and start brainstorming ways to surmount the challenge.

R -- Relational --- we ARE a place where relationships matter! And I pray that we will always be that! One way we will work at this value is through small groups... it is my hope that everyone will be part of a small group... so they can experience the blessing of supportive community!

With these three attitudes, we will go FAR in 2008 and beyond!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

What an AWESOME blessing....

Today was a GREAT day at Community of Joy! We had a good amount of energy for our second worship gathering and for our Annual Congregational Forum... our only business meeting for the year. We were just transitioning from the Forum to the meal... when a young man walked in the door and approached Louise Mahan handing her an envelope and asking her to give it to someone in administration. She came to give me the envelope which had nothing written on the front. I opened it and inside was a check written to Community of Joy building fund for $1,200.

What a touching gesture! I quickly announced to the congregation, that you never know what blessings are ahead when you say yes to God... and told them about the gift! Totally Awesome!! At that moment, Joy led us in singing the doxology... "Praise God from whom all blessings flow...!"

Indeed praise God from whom all blessings flow and thank you, to the giver for allowing God to use you to bless others!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's 3:30 a.m. and the door bell rings...

What do you do when the door bell rings at 3:30 a.m.?

That's what happened to us this morning! I tell you it jolted me out of bed!

Friday, January 11, 2008

AWESOME small group....

We have the makings of an AWESOME small group @ 7 on Thursday nights @ the Ministry Center! Last night we had 11 people who are eager to develope a discipline of daily bible reading and journaling and sharing what they are learning.

I am pumped up about it!

My long term hope is that a few of these people will agree to be leaders of other small groups in the future and that by year end... we will have many people with a discipline of daily bible reading and journaling.

I've been using this process for nearly 8 years and it has transformed my walk with God! It is the process we are using as a small group as we read daily and journal and then each week we will share insights and discuss our learnings as well as pray for one another!

You see, I believe that our relationship with God should permeate our whole life and this process will help us apply our learnings in our life ... it's not just about learning more, but being transformed!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What a week...

Ever had one of THOSE weeks, that you wish would not have been? Well, that's the kind of week, that I've had! It started out great on Monday a.m. as I was helping with the Handicapped Hunt at Assateague Island... but it all went down hill from their.

I can't say more... but it has been a very emotionally draining week and I am exhausted!

I am looking forward to tonight's new small group bible study at the Ministry Center.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What a memorable day!

Yesterday morning, I found myself volunteering on Assateague Island for a managed Sika deer hunt. The hunt was in the campground area and was for handicapped hunters! Most of them in wheel-chairs! There were 18 hunters and most of them had a person who assisted them. It was a gorgeous day and the sika deer were everywhere... I saw more yesterday than I have seen all year.

The rewarding part was being able to help hunters experience the great outdoors in a place and manner that they rarely get to do! These guys and one gal... deserve a lot of credit for all that they did! It's challenging enough to hunt assateague without those extra limitations. One 15 year old girl, Tiffany, has spina bifida and she was able to shoot THREE sika deer with her cross bow! It was so neat to see her having such a blast... I actually got to recover two of her deer. Obviously she couldn't go in the marsh to get it, so I did! I helped another guy drag one of his out and even field dressed it.

I am grateful for programs like the NWTF's Wheeling Sportsman that put on such a hunt so that these guys and gal could have the experience. And I am grateful to have been able to help out!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Years Resolutions....

Today's paper says that most New Year's Resolutions will be broken by February! Many of us know that this is true! But many of us still make resolutions each year.

I'm not much on resolutions, because I like to follow through on things I commit to and have always found that the resolutions that I made in the past don't stay around long into the new year! Therefore, it has been many years since I have made resolutions.

I know that resolutions are only as good as the plan you put into place to execute them. And I know that they won't produce miracles, but they can work, if a plan is put into place and that plan is worked so that they become an important part of the way we live life. When something is really important to us, we tend to find the resources to do it, have it, see it...!

This Sunday, I will be offering a Simple Resolution that could not only change the course of your life, but could change the world we live in. And it is relatively simple to achieve, in fact I will offer a method for almost guaranteeing that you do!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 1... A New Day in a New Year after a sleepless night!

After minimal sleep... the kids were sluggish before breakfast... but after donuts, sausage, and fruit, they came alive enough to clean up and ready the ministry center for the next activity.

More New Years Eve...

At New Years, the youth made a pyramid and I snaped a pic... After a movie, many took cat naps... They even caught me in a nap...

Happy 2008!

Last night was a new years eve to remember... Sharon and I spent the night with Belinda Valliere chaperoning the youth lock-in. Not much sleep to be had... a cat nap here and there. Good food, good connections, lots of fun!

Here are some pics.... four square, guitar hero competitions, indo board, movies, games, and thanks to Belinda... LOTS of neat ambiance!