Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another one gone...

The mail lady just picked up the check! It is such a great feeling! Paying off debt is a good thing! Sharon and I have never had much debt... we believe in paying bills as they come and buying things only when we have the money to do so.

Since we paid the last payment on Emma's orthodontia work a year or so ago, we have been paying that amount as extra toward my truck debt... one day this week, I called to see what the payoff was and it was low enough we could pay it off now... so, I wrote the check today and mailed it. That then leaves us only with a mortgage and a van payment. We need a new roof soon on our house, so we will put the money we would have paid for my truck each month in savings in the hopes that we can save a significant amount of what we will need for the roof by the time we need it! And once we pay for that, we will roll that amount into savings for a while and then throw that monthly amount toward the van payment. Once the van is paid off, we will have a size able amount of dollars to throw at our house mortgage and can pay that down quickly. Then we will put all that money we would have paid toward the house in a savings and get it ready for college expenses.

Debt is mortgaging one's future! Not good to carry too much debt! In these uncertain times, I encourage folks to make wise choices about purchases and accruing debt. Debt also keeps us from going places and doing things God calls us to, because we are encumbered!

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