Wednesday, December 3, 2008

An Honor...

It was an honor to be asked to share some thoughts today at my friend Jack Pierroni's funeral. He was such a great guy and a dear friend, who I will miss terribly!

He was Catholic, so the service was at St. Frances and very catholic! (enough said!) At the end, after communion, Jack's longtime school friend and also brother in law, Joe, shared some thoughts as did I.

I always try to tell stories... either from first hand experience or from ones I have heard the family and friends share. I learned a long time ago that stories open windows and doors for us into a new world and stories can be very healing! Today, I could share first hand stories as I knew Jack well! It was affirming to have LOTS of people seek me out afterward and at the meal to tell me how on the mark I was and then to tell me a story or two of their own about Jack. You see stories provoke stories. One of the neatest ones, was from Jack's brother Mike... I had shared about the joy that Jack found in teaching children about nature and hunting.... Mike says that every Saturday, from October 1 through the end of February when they were growing up their father would get the three brothers together and any friends that they wanted to bring along and teach them about hunting. Mike said as I was sharing that... he was reminiscing about how Jack learned that from his dad! So cool!

What an honor to share in Jack's service. My prayers are for the family as they move through these days!

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