Monday, March 5, 2012

Following... the most underrated form of leadership.

I am reading Leonard Sweet's book, " I am a follower: the way, truth, and life of following Jesus."   It is EXCELLENT!   Here are some profound quotes from the book...

"We have been told our entire lives that we shoulc be leaders, that we need more leaders, leaders, leaders.  But the truth is that the greatest way to create a movement is to be a follower and to show others how to follow.  Following is the most underrated form of leadership in existence."

"Jesus wasn't looking for leaders at all.  Jesus was looking for followers.... the life story of all Christianity should be 'they left all and followed Jesus.'"

"This is the greatest tragedy of the church in the last fifty years: We have changed Paul's words, 'Follow me as I follow Christ,' to 'Follow me as I lead for Christ.'"

"Jesus said, 'Go and make disciples.'  We stopped and built worship warehouses.   Jesus said, 'follow me.' We heard, 'Be a leader.'   Paul said, 'Do the work of an evangelist.'  We've done the work of a marketer.   Somewhere back in the past half centrury, we diagnosed the church's problem as a crisis of leading, not a crisis of following.  It's as if we read Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship and decided we'd rather talk about something else entirely.'

The Jesus paradox is that only Christians lead by following."

"Fundamental to biblical faith are two categorical imperatives: 1. Jesus is the leader.  2. We are his followers."

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