Sunday, August 25, 2013

Many Hands DO Make Light Work...

Yesterday we had a clean up work day at Community of Joy.  We gathered at 9 and most were done by 1 but a few stayed around all day some leaving at 6 with a couple still there working a bit longer.  It was so nice to get so many things done yesterday.  The furnace room is cleaned out totally!  And the shed is cleaned out and organized, as are many of the cabinets, and storage areas.  Crock pot alley can once again be used because all the supplies that were sitting on the counters are now stored.  The nursery toys were all washed and disinfected.  Windows washed, window wells cleaned out and stones installed.  Shrubs trimmed, grass edged, weeds pulled.  The emergency light in the rear was replaced, a hole in the facia fixed.  The ramp rails were sturdied up with new cement at the base. Sticks in the yard picked up and hauled away.  And a baby changing station was added!

What an incredible day!  And even more incredible than all that got done was the fact that we had great help and eager workers who jumped right in and checked items off the list!  It is an awesome thing to see people set free with tasks accomplish those tasks!  THANKS to all who came out and gave their time and muscles!

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