Monday, August 26, 2013

Excitement builds....

Excitement builds for the birthing of more 5 Q Circles at Community of Joy!

I think the Holy Spirit has nudged a second female leader to make 2 women and 2 men who are willing to give birth to 2 new groups.  Another person has come forward feeling a nudge to be part too!  Been praying to get a college student circle started and have a place to meet and a co-leader, just waiting on the Spirit to nudge a leader for this circle, then we will birth 3 new circles!  Have some college students that are excited about being in a circle of peers!

And if that isn't enough excitement... one of the new circle leader team wants to go door to door with informational brochures to introduce themselves to their neighbors and invite them to join this circle in the leader's home. Another of the new circle leaders told me yesterday of a prayer that they are already praying for a couple of co-workers that they think would join the circle and take a next step toward Jesus and this leader is eager to begin that part of the circle!

 I have two homes that folks would love to welcome a 5 Q circle in as soon as I get new leaders for them we will make that move too!

And there's more... yesterday, my daughter who is headed out of state for her senior year of college shared with me an email she sent to her VA Church pastor (who is new to that church) sharing the 5Q Circle model and suggesting she would lead a group that was targeted at reaching out to other college students in the area.  The pastor was elated and invited her to lunch when she gets back to VA!

WOW!  In the words of my new favorite song... "ARISE, church ARISE!

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