Monday, August 19, 2013

An Excerpt from Sunday 8-18-13 Sermon - UNSTOPPABLE

Here is an excerpt from yesterday's sermon (the end) so that you (participants at Community of Joy) can see what we are up to and get on board....

It’s time for us to take a next step.  I am all about and want us here at CoJ to be all about helping people take their next step toward Jesus so that they can help someone else take their next step toward Jesus.

            The last commission that Jesus gave us is to MAKE DISCIPLES.  Yet we aren’t doing that very effectively.  One thing that is true about every church that is committed to making disciples, they are growing and growing and their impact and influence in the world for Jesus is powerful!
I have heightened my prayers for the guidance of the HS for me and for us.  And on Thursday morning, I feel like I was given a gift!  While I was doing my morning walk at the mall (it opens at 6:45 daily for walkers) I was praying and listening and I felt a HS nudge and in a matter of minutes I was given a complete process for us here at CoJ.

            I want to share that with you today.  For a couple of years now, we have been doing a Tuesday night Bible Study and I have been leading a community men’s Bible study using the 5 Q method that I have developed.  I have seen firsthand how participation in this process has transformed lives.  Made disciples of Jesus and impacted the lives of each participant in great ways.

I would love to see ALL of us at CoJ in a 5 Q Circle.  Here’s my plan (the gift I was given on Thursday from the HS)  We will begin this fall to take steps toward the goal of 100% participation in a 5Q Bible Study Circle…

This week, I will be asking the Tuesday group to consider who among them God is calling to lead a new group.  I would like to see the Tuesday group commission two pairs of co-leaders and become 3 groups.  By doing that we make room for some new folks in these 3 groups.

             I am suggesting that each Circle begin in the Gospel of Matthew using the 5 Q Method and in each circle gathering there would be time at the end to share personal prayer needs and pray together.  Confidentiality is a must!   Also a part of that prayer time, would be a time to pray for 2 or 3 unconnected local friends of each circle participant with the hopes that praying for them might open their eyes and hearts to the love of Jesus and even the circle.

            I would like each group to plan a group serving outreach a minimum of once a quarter in our community.  I would also like each group to include a fellowship component each week as well as plan quarterly circle and friends fellowship activities so that to the fellowship and serving activities, circle members can invite the friends- the very friends the group has been praying for.

              I will plan to meet with all leaders once a month to support and equip them in their roles.

            As circles grow, we will give birth to new circles by empowering a team of leaders from an existing circle to begin a new circle.  And each circle member will constantly be on the lookout for unconnected people that they can invite to join the circle.

            I feel strongly that the HS is nudging us to do this here at CoJ.  The TIME HAS COME to take a step! This process picks up all of the characteristics that we have explored in the first church that made it so impactful! (See ACTS) Those characteristics are….The presence of the HS which empowered them to be witnesses.  The centrality of Jesus.  The devotion to scripture and circling with others. Along with generosity and serving as well as outreach and witness.

These circles are easy to lead and welcoming of all people of varied ages and life experiences. You don’t have to have ANY bible knowledge to participate and there is no homework to do before or after the group in order to participate fully.

I know this is a bold request!  But I also know that these characteristics that we have explored in the early church are transferrable to us and can have the same impact on our life together and the community and world we live in.  Further, I am confident that the Gamiliel principle is at work here too.  IF this is of God, it won’t be stopped!

So, I am asking each of you to prayerfully consider taking that next step toward Christ – out of these rows and into a transformational circle.  Tuesday circle folks, I am asking you to prayerfully consider if God is calling you to take your next step toward Jesus by agreeing to become a co-leader of a new circle.  I am even asking some of you to consider opening your homes to such a circle.

Brothers and sisters, if we want to see God move in our lives and through our lives like he did in the early church, it’s time to take our next step. If we want to become a vibrant church that has an empowered witness and growing impact on our community and world for Jesus, it’s time to take our next step.

Continuing to do what we have done for the last 14 years  is not going to make us a vibrant church!  And be confident of this.  If what I am asking you to consider is not of God, then it won’t happen. But also know that if it is of God, and you willingly take the necessary steps toward Jesus, we too can become UNSTOPPABLE like the early church!

I want to conclude share this story… Author and pastor Neil Cole writes…”My brother and I were born less than a year apart, and when we were in middle school, we went on an African safari with our mom.  This was the kind of adventure that most young boys dream about.  Our first stop was a couple of days in a hotel on stilts, called Treetops, overlooking a water hole.  Wild animals would come from miles to drink at the water hole and tourists like us could observe them from above their natural habitat.

When we checked in, we were warned to keep our windows closed so that these curious tree top dwellers didn’t steal our possessions while we were asleep.  One morning, Neil says, I was on the top platform and saw a gray baboon reach into a woman’s purse and steal her camera.  He was close enough for me to touch him so I was foolish enough to grab his tail in the hopes he would drop the camera.  But he spun around in an instant and opened his mouth wide and showed all his teeth and let out a chilling scream… I froze in fear and immediately let go of his tail and off he ran with the camera.

            From treetops, they then traveled to a game reserve.  The tour guide had heard of Neil’s baboon encounter and decided to play a joke on him. He told him that the rhesus monkey were friendly toward tourists.  So, Neil found one and tried to approach it but is shrieked at him and he stepped back… the monkey picked up on Neil’s fear and aggressively came at him… chasing him around and all of a sudden hundreds of monkeys fell out of the tree tops and joined the chase.  

Later that night, Neil’s mom and brother went to dinner at the lodge but he stayed behind saying he wasn’t hungry.  Before they returned he got hungry and decided to go by himself from their hut to the lodge.  It was dark and normally they saw zebras and other animals grazing in the yard illuminated by the night lights of the lodge.  But not this night.  In fact Neil says he could see all the people in the lodge standing near the window intently watching him… some were motioning him to hurry to them and others motioning him to go back to the hut.  Neil had no clue what was up but he sped up and when safely inside the lodge, was told that a leopard was seen in the grass stalking him.

During that adventure, Neil says, he saw, cheetahs, lions, giraffes, elephants, wildebeest and tons of monkeys.  He had ridden in a land rover and chased rhinos.  It was quite the adventure… one he will never forget.  But the whole time Neil was having these adventures, his brother was sitting around reading a novel about adventures in Africa. 

Sisters and Brothers, There are two kinds of people in life – those who live the adventure and those who read about others adventures!

It is time for us to stop reading about the adventures of the early church and time for us to take that next step toward Jesus in our new adventure.  Time to confidently trust that the HS will empower us to be witnesses.  Time to move out of rows and into circles so that we can grow in our relationship with Jesus and each other and our unconnected friends.  

It is time for us to become an unstoppable force for Jesus in our community and world!  Who is ready to take that next step toward Jesus? A new bible study circle is coming to a place near you!  Will you open your life to its power?  Will you heed the nudging of the HS and commit your life to a 5 Q circle, so that you can grow as a disciple of Jesus who has a contagious faith and increases the impact of Jesus’ love here in our community as we receive his love and give his love and repeat again and again?

Will you take your next step toward Jesus today?   I believe the HS is calling each of you to get into a transformative circle.  Won’t you make that commitment today?   I believe the HS is calling some of you to step into leadership roles in a group.  Won’t you take that step today?   I believe the HS is calling some of you to open your home to a transformative circle.  Wont you take that next step today.

If the HS is nudging you.  Make a commitment in your heart to take action today!  And if you don’t feel a nudge, actively seek the HS this week opening your heart and life to his direction.  Sisters and brothers, where ever you find yourself in your journey toward Jesus, it is time for you to take your next step toward him… are you willing to do so today?

(let me also be clear that the newly forming Women’s Bible Study group can be a Circle and will have all the characteristics of a 5 Q Circle except it won’t use the 5 Q method but will use The Story as its curriculum)

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