Monday, October 12, 2009

Every Preacher Loves It When....

Every preacher loves it when he or she sees what he or she preaches about come to life. Yesterday, I encouraged us to use the gifts God has given us to impact the lives of others. Told a story about 76 year old Gertie and her significant youth ministry until she was 86. And Johnny the bagger who was a downs syndrome young man but put a thought for the day in the last bag he packed for each customer.

Today, I received an email from a teacher at Wi-Middle with a copy of the email that one of Community of Joy's youth sent out to teachers, staff, and students... so AWESOME!

Teachers and Staff Members of Wicomico Middle School,

Today I've decided that everday I'm going send out a positive?thought to everyone. I've taken the time to?write down every?e-mail address of each person who works at our school so that maybe I could start your day a little brighter.

I'll start with Monday's positive thought:

Be good to yourself by seeing and connecting with the goodness in life. Look on the bright side, and make it brighter.

Nothing is gained by feeling sorry for yourself. Nothing is gained by spreading misery or despair.

Sure, life has its troubles. Yet the great thing is, you don't have to let any of those troubles get to you.

Give your energy and awareness to the best possibilities of the moment. You can make something good happen today, so by all means do it. Offer a healthy dose of joy to your situation. Feeling positive will take you much further than any alternative. Be the brightest source of goodness in your corner of the world. Choose to feel great and truly you'll do great things.

This shall be a regular thing. Have a blessed day,

Lena Habig--- Eighth grade student at Wicomico Middle

Things like this bring tears to my eyes! Way to go Lena!

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