Monday, March 23, 2009

Taking steps toward impact and blessing!

For the past few weeks, I have asked participants at Community of Joy to keep their eyes open and take notice of the needs they see in our community; ways we can bless others.

Yesterday in both worship gatherings, we brainstormed a list. Here are the results. I am inviting the congregation to do two things with this list. 1. Pray over it asking God where they individually would best make an impact. and 2. Come to the carry-in on Sunday @ 12 noon prepared to share where they feel God leading them to get involved. We will need team leaders and team members. I am aware that we can not do the whole list at once.... but I want us to start moving out into our community to bless them with God's love.

The list...

+ Get involved with Habitat for Humanity locally (perhaps choose a Saturday a month to send a team to work)
+ Parnter with Pinehurst Elementary School (it's in our neighborhood) Mary Kay Morgan is talking to the Principal there to ascertain the needs.
+ visit homeless in their environment
+ Install a new bathroom floor for Stacy Habig - have team members need team leader.
+ Visit Shut ins
+ develop support systems for neighbors or others who are going through illness/ or elderly (run errands)
+ mentor children in public schools
+develop a day center for helping our homeless brothers and sisters break the cycle.
+develop a support network for folks who lost jobs
+ develop a support network for persons about to loose or having lost homes
+develop a SU type "Big Event" where we solicit work projects from our neighbors and participants
+ promote "eco-justice" issues -- care of environment
+ help Stacy Habig with mowing, yard work

The list is not complete... it can be added to as you see needs.


cathy b. said...

This is not outreach at all... but I'm thinking that EVERYONE in our congregation needs SOMEthing - not just our feeble and poor like me, but also the well-to-do and spritely. Wouldn't it be neat if each person in our church had a specific need filled by someone else? And if each person in our church was able to fill a specific need? (and maybe we could think about ways to find/articulate needs that another could fill)

This may be taking your ideas and putting them on their heads, but that's the kind of upside down thinking that happens when I brainstorm.

Martin Hutchison said...

Neat Idea, Cathy... but I really want us to use this as a way to reach OUT and to bond together at the same time. We can all contribute in some way I am sure... it's just a matter of finding out how.