Friday, March 20, 2009

A conversation on CHURCH...

When we moved into our new building at Community of Joy, I didn't and still don't want us calling it a church. We are the church! The building is NOT the church. It is the ministry center. Here is a quote from Reggie McNeal's book that goes along this line of thinking...

"... we need to change the conversation about the church from "What is it?" to "Who is it?". As long as we keep the discussion tied to its "Whatness," we will keep the leadership efforts focused on building better institutions and limit ministry to those individuals who choose or are able to participate in an attractional program. If we can shift the discussion to "who", we can be free to explore how the church shows up wherever followers of Jesus live, work, and play. Efforts can shift to community and incarnational expressions of Jesus in all sectors of the culture."

I think Reggie is right on and we desperately need to make this shift. Think of the impact it will have on the world. We are the hands and feet of Jesus and are sent into the world to share his love and life with everyone!

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