Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Labors....

What is Labor Day without a little labor?

That was my question to myself when I thought about what I wanted to do with the day.

I had LOTS of things that I have not been able to do and Saturday and Yesterday were the days!

Got the camping things put away until next time. Put together a new gas grill. Cleaned up the garage so that one car can be parked in it again.... it will be a while til both can be. Put together the corn hole sets. Assembled a double person tree stand that my nephew and I will occupy some this fall. Went to the dump. Ran some errands. Readied my bow for hunting season which opens on the 15th and got some much needed practice time in with it. And in the midst of all that, went to visit two people in the hospital.

So grateful for time off to accomplish things that otherwise weren't getting done! Also, we enjoyed some crabs that a friend and I split the cost of! Great labor day 08!

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