Monday, September 29, 2008

A Day of Twos....

Ever have one of those days where everything seems to happen in twos?

Well, that was my day...

Went to the hospital TWO times to visit TWO friends of mine, who are courageously battling cancer... both have defied the doctors pronouncement!

Spent TWO times in the day buthering the TWO deer that I got the other day. Once deboning all the meat and the other time grinding and packaging the meat.

Found TWO tiny little deer ticks sucking my blood... boy did those things hurt!

Had no choice... after several days of rain and a Sunday (which I refuse to do yard work on!) had to mow TWO lawns... mine and the neighbor's.

My Life Transformation Group that usually consists of three guys... was only TWO today!

Several times in the day, I had TWO phone calls coming in at once and one time on TWO different lines!

At the end of this day of TWO's I am looking forward to my TWO sessions of sleep... one before Caroline gets home from work (she is there till close tonight -- which could mean midnight) and the one after she opens our door and lets us know she is home safely!

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