Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting Noticed...

When a church goes outside it's building... it gets noticed!

Sharon had two separate encounters yesterday with folks who live in the neighborhood of our Ministry Center and they both remarked about the difference we are bringing to the neighborhood. They both indicated that more activity is seen at our location in the last year or so than they have seen in the total of many years before! When a church goes outside it's building it gets noticed!

Today, I had a conversation with a person who said that every Sunday when they drive by, on their way to church, it is always such a joy to see Waving Walt out there. They even commented on seeing him waving under an umbrella! (you know that was a while ago, and the memory still sticks!) When a church goes outside it's building it gets noticed!

And a couple of weeks ago, while giving our mail lady some outgoing mail, she remarked about being "Flocked" by our youth groups flamingos and how much she loved that! When a church goes outside it's building it gets noticed!

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