Saturday, June 7, 2008

Praying about the sign deal....

Ever since we lost the ability to have a changeable sign in front of our Ministry Center in addition to the standard sign we have, we have seen the number of new visitors plummet! I knew that the sign was a significant help to us and therefore want to explore ways to do something that can be changed regularly, but within code and improves the looks of our facility.

So, I have made a call to the City of Salisbury Sign Enforcer to see what our options are. I expect a call back this week. I have also asked our congregation to pray for favor and cooperation in this regard. I am praying to that end.

The pictures are one of SEVERAL possibilities that I would like to explore. If we put our church identification/ name on the building, then we can replace our existing sign with one that we can change the message on regularly. But it will all depend on finding favor with the city and the cost of this venture... two things that are easy for God! So we pray...


cathy b. said...

Of course the number of visitors may have to do with some other factor than signage. Like the time of year?
or that the website needs an update? or the price of gas? ...

Martin Hutchison said...

It does have many factors... but there is a DIRECT relationship to sign. We saw this once before when at SCS and we lost the ability to have a sign out front and the number of people who visited dropped dramatically. Same deal here... but more than that, we have lost the ability to communicate with the MANY people who drive by... hopefully that will change soon!