Tuesday, June 24, 2008

An interesting thought....

I read this today .... "Who do you think the most important person is to the Coca Cola Company? The consumer? Which one? The coke drinkers? NOPE- it's actually the Pepsi drinker.

Likewise... the most important people to the church... are those outside the church! Neil Cole sums it up well... "if you want to reach people for Jesus, you're going to have to sit in the smoking section."

Deitrich Bonhoeffer said it this way... "The church is only the church when it exists for others."

Our mission is to go into the world and help people meet Jesus so that he can set them free to live the life God intended for them to live! And we can't do that sitting in the building!

1 comment:

cathy b. said...

That's one of the reasons I drive down Church Street!