Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A great blog and video....

One of the things I have been diligent about during this sabbatical from preaching thanks to One Prayer, is reading. I've been reading books to try to get a handle on how I can lead our congregation to the next level of development and out into the community to make a bigger impact for the Kingdom of God. I've read the following... Exiles: Living missionally in a post-Christian culture by Michael Frost (I actually read this in Guatemala), Breaking the Missional Code: your church can become a missionary in your community by Ed Stetzer and David Putman (suggested by Jeff Glass), Breaking the Discipleship code: becoming a missional follower of Jesus by David Putman and Ed Stetzer (actually bought this thinking it was the one listed before it!) and finally I am almost finished reading The Forgotten Ways by Allan Hirsch. Allan has a website and on that website there is a GREAT message by Reggie McNeal called An After Dinner Mint. I encourage you to check it out!

Finally, the other thing I have been doing is praying for God's guidance in leading us into becoming a truly missional congregation!

1 comment:

cathy b. said...

Now you must be an expert on what the word "missional" means. Care to fill us in?
Your friends,
the trendy word police