Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How many....

How many instruments can a dentist stick in your mouth at one time and have the nerve to ask you a question while they are in there?

This morning it was 4! Never have understood why they wait until you are totally numb, can't feel half of your face, and have several instruments in your mouth to ask you how you are doing!

Had a tooth prepped today for a crown.... 1.5 hours in a dentist chair is fun! Actually it wasn't that bad. I tried to listen to a Rob Bell sermon on my ipod while he was doing the work, but the sound of the drill was too loud to hear.

Now the worst part of it all is waiting for the Novocaine to wear off! They actually had to give me more, so it will take longer to wear off! ... Glad I don't have to go anywhere today where I have to talk much...


cathy b. said...

Speaking of the Bell, I have the Mars Hill God Is Green series on iTunes and could probably send it your way if you haven't heard it.

Martin Hutchison said...

Thanks! I have it on my ipod as well and that is where I got the thoughts about the tomato!