Thursday, April 19, 2007

Learning Tough Lessons...

I am a procrastinator, sometimes. Sometimes it has gotten me into trouble and sometimes it hasn't. It's not a good habit to have and I can keep myself from doing it for the most part these days.

It concerns me to see that one of my daughters is becoming a procrastinator too! I call it her "under the wire syndrome". Today it about bit her pretty hard and I couldn't do a thing but let her work it out (called a natural consequence). She had a major school leadership conference today and she is the historian, so she worked late last night putting together a slide show of the year to show today. But when she tried to email it to the person in-charge this morning, about 15 minutes before she left for school and it wouldn't go through, she was sunk. So, she called me while I was in the woods turkey hunting and I answered (because I wasn't sure if there was an emergency). She wanted me to bail her out and I couldn't not from where I was.

Lucky for her that Tri was around and could walk her through what she needed to do to get the presentation on a cd. I hope she learns an important lesson from all this! It is never good to put things off, especially when it comes to using technology. It's a tough but necessary lesson and the sooner she learns it the better off her life will be!

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