Friday, April 13, 2007


Most statistics show that when a church does a capital campaign, only about 80% of the money that is pledged comes in. Well NOT here at Community of Joy ! Yesterday, our Financial Secretary took 111,000 plus of the pledged 125,000 plus money to the bank. She told me that in addition to that, she has sent notice to liquidate 10,000 that came in a stock gift and has been told by the remaining givers that their money will be in this Sunday... which will make 100% of the money pledged -- given in less than 2 weeks! The folks at Community of Joy are AWESOME! And the amazing thing is that we haven't yet voted on buying this building. But I guess in some ways, we have voted with out money!

And to think the banker wasn't sure if they should loan our small group of 45 the money to make the purchase! They totally missed the GOD FACTOR in all of this! Thanks be to God!

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