Tuesday, May 12, 2009

YEAH... it's fixed!

The Comcast guy just left and he got our cable fixed quickly. It was exactly as I suspicioned. I cut the cable (in 4 places in 12 inches) while planting a bush on Saturday.

He was a very nice guy... his favorite line was one I want to adopt and live by... he said, "I work for smiles!"

Imagine what a different world we would live in if all of us lived by that philosophy... that means when the line is going slow at the store...we smile. When our friend lets us down, we smile. When we see someone having a bad day, we do something to make them smile. When we pass by someone in the mall...we smile at them, so that they smile at us!

Smiles are contagious and they greatly improve the flavor of the world!

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