Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stewarding Energy

This is a big day today!  Besides the two worship gatherings I will preach in this morning, I also have a wedding to officiate.

Yesterday, I didn't have any energy or desire to do a thing.  But I still had a few details to get nailed down for today and had a wedding rehearsal to conduct.  I was about 10 minutes into my regular morning hour long walk at the mall, when I knew I couldn't do the full hour, so I stopped after half.

It was very clear to me that if I was going to survive this weekend and all that I had to do, that I would have to steward my energy. 

I like that concept... stewarding energy.  It means that I decided what was most important to do in the weekend and I only did that and when I wasn't doing what was absolutely necessary, I rested.   Now, after a good week on the couch last week, I was about tired of the couch.  It would have been easy to have forced myself to get lots done but I knew if I took that approach, by the time I came to the things I had to do, I would not have any energy.  And not bringing my best to the roles and tasks that I had to do, was not bringing my best to God.  So that is why I decided to steward my energy.

It is really what Sabbath is all about... Stewarding our energy... finding renewed enregy... connecting with God... so that we can bring our very best to the tasks God calls us to!

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