Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Had an interesting insight today as I was reading my bible while waiting for the Nuerologist to call me back... took 40 minutes.  Was reading the Resurrection accounts in the 4 gospels... in Matthew's is where I had my insight.

The women went to the tomb on the first day of the week to properly prepare Jesus' body for burial...not just the rushed job that had happened the day he was burried.  But on their way, they worried about a detail.  They wondered about a detail.   They were concerned about a detail.  So much so that they asked it several times.  The detail they worried about was who will move the stone away?

Details... we worry about details.  Often we worry about details that God will and does take care of!  That was the case in this situation and it is the case in most of our lives and in our congregational lives as well.   We spend way too much time worrying about details and that keeps us from trusting God to do what only he can!

God rolled that stone away!  And God will roll the stones of our lives away if we get out of his way and stop worrying about the details.  Simply TRUST GOD!

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