Thursday, April 21, 2011

Season Over!

And what a season it was... didn't know if I was going to be able to hunt at all this season due to having Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome for the past 6 weeks. That is shingles in the facial nerve - mostly IN the ear...SEVERE pain... and then bells palsy on my right side of face. Still can't close my right eye (shooting eye) Vision is blurry but still able to get it done twice!

Today, they were gobbling hot... heard 5 or 6 birds. Played with two toms and a few hens for a couple of hours... finally the hens left and the toms came in silent... he beat up my strutter then took a dirt nap. The other tom took off and while I was packing things up and tagging the bird, 7 jakes came out on the lane at 150 yards. 5 of them strutted and they watched me for the longest time while I sat on the ground very low and talked on the phone. They even came to about 75 yards before I decided to stand up and send them on their way.

This bird was 21 pounds... 10.5 inch beard and 1.25 inch spurs...

Add to all that 2 pairs of nesting bald eagles that flew around all morning and it was an awesome day to be in the woods...

Now to spend as much time as I can getting my nephew Ben his first bird!

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