Thursday, April 14, 2011

Don't want to...

Don't want to let this go a week without posting something again!  Though not much has changed in my health situation... still TIRED ALL the time!  

Yesterday was a good day as I forced myself to drive to Cordova to meet with our Area One Church of the Brethren Pastors.  We have 8 ministers from 6 of the 7 churches in our area represented and began our conversations on Scot McKnight's new book, One.Life:  Jesus Calls, We Follow.  Excellent and invigorating conversation!  It was invigorating enough that it reved me past my medicinally induced constant tiredness... but boy when it was over, the tiredness rolled in like a bad thunderstorm!

Wanted to watch american idol last night and slept through most of it.  Went to bed at 10 after picking Emma up from work and slept like a baby all night... got up at 5:30 and was immediately exhausted.

Planning to go turkey hunting on Monday as it is the first day and I haven't missed a first day since I started hunting them!  Good thing about hunting turkeys (where I hunt them) is it mostly involves walking accross a field and sitting next to a tree and calling and waiting... so it is not strenuous and if I want to, I can nap!   And if a turkey comes, usually it gobbles so, if I am sleeping it would wake me!

This illness has sure been taxing on me!  I would have taken some sick time off if it weren't the Easter Season.... but couldn't stay down this time of year!

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