Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Greatest Office Ever!

Just got back from the greatest office space ever!  In fact it is so AWESOME that I spent the entire morning there!  Got there at 5 a.m. and settled in by 5:30... left at 11:45 a.m.   After the last few weeks and all the pain I have struggled with, it is wonderful to be somewhere besides the confines of my house!

Got some good work done toward the two Easter Sermons I must prepare for Sunday as I sat there at the base of a BIG pine tree... enjoying the beauty of two bald eagles flying in and out of their nest and eagerly listening for the sound of a turkey gobble!  But from 5:30 till 11 a.m. I didn't hear even one bird sound off.  So, I got lots done... even got caught up on some relational things via texting.

But at 11ish... I made a call and the work got shelved and the turkey hunting began... a gobbler answered my call back!  And then again... and then he gobbled before I called.  I really thought he was going to come in but two delmarval fox squirrels (almost white ones) started barking furiously and the tom didn't come my way... though we played cat and mouse for 45 minutes.  Until I decided I must get out of the woods before he came and I was hunting after hours (must finish by 12 noon).  So I gathered my stuff and headed out as fast as I could go, hoping not to spook that bird so that we could play another day when I find myself in this fabulous office space.

After the last few weeks, it is so soul refreshing to be able to spend time in such a spot!  I truly cherish each moment I can be there!

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