Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Turkey Season is Here!

I look forward to this day every year!  It is my favorited time of the spring and I so enjoy going out into the woods at this time. 

Got up today at 3:30 a.m. and headed out to my spot... was all situated by 5:30 and first gobbler sounded off at 6.  Then I heard 8 or 9 birds gobble... all around me but most were far off.  One was about 100 yards away.  He only gobbled one time.  I called a bit and then waited.  Then it got silent for a long time... finally the bird gobbled and it sounded like he was coming my way.  I called some more but not too much and then just waited... he gobbled some more... I called... then waited.  After a good while, I saw him coming in to my decoys in full strutt.  He walked past my hen and up to my strutting tom and beat him with his wing and feet.  Then when he turned to do it again... I let him have it. 

When I walked out to the field, there were two hens out there a ways off...

Beautiful morning!

My bird weighed 22 pounds, had a 9.75 inch beard and 1 inch spurs.   Aren't the feathers beautiful!

My shooting glasses worked well to protect my eye!  I was so happy!

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