Monday, March 28, 2011

What it is....

For those who have been following my illness and would like to know more about Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome... here it is...

This morning was good... pain is at a level 2 or 3 but is tolerable with no meds taken since midnight.  However, my right eye (the one that doesn't close) is red and irritated.  I feel as though something is in my eye and causing it such pain. I have an emergency eye doc appointment this afternoon.  I have been wearing a patch and putting drops in it to keep it from drying out  but all of that seems in vain at this point.

Update:  4 p.m.   Pain level increased enough to take some tylox and I was able to get the eyelash out of my eye before going to the doc, so I canceled that appt.  Also was able to move my regular doc appt up from Thursday to Tuesday.

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