Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Was a real jolly last night when we arrived at the Ministry Center for Bible Study and were greeted by 4 of our Homeless Shelter Guests.  One has been coming regularly to worship for a while and he had called in the afternoon to see if the study was happening.  He didn't mention that he was bringing three friends but he did!  One had been a recent guest.  One had been a guest in previous years.  And one I met for the first time.  I was delighted that they wanted to come!  I was delighted that they actively participated in the conversation!

So cool when all God's children can come together and learn from each other!

As a pastor, it delights my soul when our homeless brothers feel welcomed and want to participate.   Sad, but true, not every church would welcome these brothers!  Proud that Community of Joy folks throw wide the welcome!

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