Monday, January 18, 2010

Thoughts on Discipleship

I have been Reading a great book, Deliberate Simplicity: How the church does more by doing less, by Dave Browning.

In it he talks about discipleship among other things. These thoughts struck me...

"Discipleship in North America has been complicated by the American educational system, an extensive scheme of levels, departments, courses, and grades. Because of this, our inclination is to ask, "have they taken the course?" The system Christ employed was more relational than informational. Jesus said, "Follow me." That's it. Being a Christian is as simple as sying yes to Christ. As Mary stated at the wedding in Cana, "Whatever he tells you to do, do it!"

The greatest challenge in discipleship is implementation rather than information.

New believers can learn enough in just a few days to keep them growing for the rest of their lives. If you are taught to read the Word, pray, be in community, and reach out to others, you have the basic equipment to make the journey."

I think he is right on!

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