Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Life...

Just returned from a meeting of area pastors and business leaders at Salisbury Christian School. Heard Larry Sonneberg, President of New Life Ministries share his heart for helping hurting people and about the upcoming New Life Weekend in O.C.

At the end of a very moving video where lots of people shared the power of transformation that they experienced in their lives at the conclusion of a New Life Weekend, was this quote... "God's greatest miracle is a transformed life!" Think about that for a minute. Indeed it is!

I believe that this was the heart of Jesus' ministry as well. He traveled all around living out his mission to announce the Lord's favor, to set the oppressed free, give sight to the blind, bring healing to people's lives.

I am excited to let you know that on October 15-17, in Ocean City Md, New Life Ministries is sponsoring a New Life Weekend where you can work on whatever issues weigh you down. Check it out and spread the word.

Intersting God thing... just prior to going to the meeting, I got a call from a friend who was looking for help for a co-worker who is having a rough time (the only problem is that the co-worker lives in Franklin VA. I quickly emailed my friend this info and told him that it might be just the thing his co-worker was looking for.

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