Friday, July 25, 2008

When you look....

When you look for God, you will find that he is already at work in the world in ways you haven't thought or dreamed.

We have been working hard at getting the overgrowth area of our lot at the Ministry Center cleared of brush and ready to seed in grass this fall.
One of the things that we needed to do was get the stumps ground. I checked into the cost of renting a stump grinder and the cheapest one was $257 for half a day. I though John Hardy would be about that price, but both the numbers we had for him did not work... they were assigned to someone else. So what were we going to do????
Wednesday, I was at the Ministry Center getting the trash to take to the dump and I noticed a few branches that had blown onto the yard. I picked them up to take with me and throw them on the brush pile at the dump... It was just a couple... but since I was going that way, I threw them on.
When I pulled into the brush area to unload them, I pulled up beside... yep, John Hardy! I told him what I wanted and he said he'd check it our and give me a call. I got a card from him with his new numbers and gave him mine. Today, his wife called and I met them there... and the price to have him grind the stumps AND haul the billets of wood away was $300!
Isn't God good!
Just goes to show that when you look... God is everywhere and he is at work in ways you and I can't imagine!

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