Monday, July 7, 2008

Don't be that...

This past week at the work camp with our youth, Kevin Brown taught me something.... I overheard him saying to one of the other youth... something that I think is AWESOME. When one of the guys was getting out of line or beginning to act up... Kevin said, "Don't be that man!" "Don't be that woman!"

That statement is an awesome reminder that we can choose who we are... when things aren't going the way we want them to go or things are overwhelming us and we begin to act up or get out of line or aren't representing Jesus well... to be reminded by a brother or a sister... Don't be that man! Don't be that woman! is a great help!

Sometimes, that is all the reminder we need to change the course of our attitude or actions!

I have no idea where Kevin got that or if he made it up himself... but I like it a lot! Thanks Kevin!

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