Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our final hours in D.C.

After eating lunch at the International Guest House and rounding up our belongings, we took our vehicles out to the New Carrolton Metro Station and hoped the metro back to Union Station. We enjoyed iced coffee drinks at Ebeneezer's Coffee House which is owned by National Community Church. We also attended their 5 p.m. worship service below the coffee shop... it was packed to overflowing... 170 plus people in a space that should hold about 125! People who wanted in, even had to leave due to no more space! They were participating in One Prayer and we heard their campus pastor's prayer for the church... Make us Doers! The neat thing for me was that the very passage of Scripture that he spoke about from James... was the passage I had planned to use for morning devotions but due to the hectic pace of running out of time at breakfast, I did not do devotions! In fact the message to be doers was the very emphasis I was going to make ... isn't God COOL!
We arrived home around 10:15 p.m. and I went straight to bed!

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