Monday, March 17, 2008

A Recap of Yesterday...

Yesterday was Palm Sunday... looked at Luke's account of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem... (see Luke 19:29-47). In that... Jesus tells his disciples to go into town and untie a donkey colt and bring it to him... and if someone asks... what are you doing... tell them "the Lord needs it!" They untied the colt and sure enough someone asked and they replied... "the Lord needs it!" No resistance... no problem... they took the donkey to Jesus.

I see this story to be about what Jesus came to do in the world and in our lives... to untie us and set us free to be available to God.

One thing I know... as long as you and I remain tied to the fence, we can't do much for God. But when we untie ourselves, we can join Jesus in his mission to proclaim good news to the poor, set prisoners free, release the oppressed, help the blind to see and announce the year of the Lord's favor (see Luke 4:18 for Jesus' mission statement).

So, my challenge to us was and is... what do we need to untie, so that we can be available to the Lord? The Lord needs it! The challenge is what is "it"? Is it to let go of fear of following Jesus? Is it our schedule that needs to be untied? Is it our check book? Is it our gifts/ abilities? Is it our compassion? Is it our praise? What is it that needs to be untied so that the Lord can use you for his mission?

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