Friday, April 20, 2012

PInk Slippers, Bald Eagles, Running Deer, Gobbing Turkeys and Delmarva Fox Squirrel

What a day!   Arrived at the farm at 5:30 and promptly headed to a road in the woods where I listened for a gobble... heard what I was listening for on the other side of the farm, so headed over there quickly.  Turns out that there were at least 9 or 10 gobblers sounding off over there.  In three different directions.  One was a group of Jakes.  I wasn't aggressive enough and set up too far away.  Was unable to call them in before the hens joined them and led them away.  Made one move trying to get closer and played with two gobblers throughout the morning but the hens were still with them and they were not leaving them to come to me!

While sitting on the ground, I had 5 deer walk as close as 5 yards away from me and didn't even know I was there.  Wish I had my camera out at that time.  It would have been a great picture!  I did have a delmarva fox squirrel come by and was able to get a picture of him... notice the spider web on his nose!

Enjoyed seeing pink lady's slippers, 13 deer total, a green inch worm and a pair of bald eagles along with a young.  God's creation sure is beautiful!  Can you see the spider in the pink slipper?

In the last picture of the inch worm... do you see the tick?

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