Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Today, I took a delightful trip down memory lane!  As a kid growing up on a large farm near Cordova, MD, I have many fond memories of spending lots of time at my Mom Mom Hutchison's house.  It is on the main farm and is a big ole farm house.  My sister and I have 12 first cousins and all of us, but especially the older ones (I was third oldest) spent lots of time at the house while our parents worked on the farm, especially during tomatoe season (before we were old enough to work) and on Sunday afternoons after church.

My Mom Mom died in 1984 and pop pop moved out to a new house sometime there after.  I am not sure exactly when, but I am sure it has been at least 25 years since I was in that house last.

Today, was a party for the oldest of my cousins who turned 50 a few days ago.  Beverly's one request was to hold the party in the farm house.  Ever since I heard her request, I thought it was a neat idea.  However, I was not prepared for the emotions that would come as I entered back into that house some 25 years later on a Sunday afternoon after church and ate with my family and friends around the table in the dining room and sat in the living room watching the Ravens win... or standing upstairs in the bedrooms that we used to take naps in.  WOW!   It was so cool!

Tonight, I am so grateful for strong godly grandparents that shared their love freely and generously and always emphasized the importance of family.

The farm house no longer has the furniture it used to... some of the dining room peices are now in mine and the old oak roll top desk that was in the kitchen is now in my office.  And one of the wash stands that was in the bedroom upstairs where we napped is now in my living room.   I cherish not only those peices of furniture, but the many memories that they too evoke and the memories we are making with my children as we continue to use them and enjoy them.

Speaking of memories and furniture... our dining room table was my Grandmother Groves and before that it was her mother's... after Sharon and I got married and settled into the huge parsonage at Spring Run Church of the Brethren in McVeytown, PA, we didn't have much furniture and the beautiful cherry table that I enjoyed eating holiday meals around with the Grove family then resided in the basement of the tenant house - where my grandmother Grove lived at the time.  When I asked her if I could borrow it until we could get one of our own, she gave it to me and said that I was the only one of her grandchildren that she could imagine putting all the leaves in it and using it.  And that we do!  In fact, I still have the letter she wrote me when she gifted it to me.

One day in the distant future, I look forward to spending time with my grandchildren around that table and in our home making memories and sharing faith in Christ.

What a wonderful day!

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