Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Soulprint Reviewed

Just finished reading Mark Batterson's newest book,  Soul Print: Discovering your divine destiny.  It is his fourth book in recent years.  I have read all of the others, In a Pit, Wild Goose Chase, and Primal.  All have been worth the time to read, but in my opinion, this is his best book to date!

In Soul Print, Mark explores the life of David - King David - of Old Testament fame and looks at how David discovered who he was created to be and how we can do the same.  Mark opens the book saying, "there has never been and never will be anyone else like you. But that isn't a testament to you.  It's a testament to God who created you... You owe it to yourself to be yourself.  But more important, you owe it to the One who designed you and destined you."  He goes on to say that we worship God when we live our life in the way God created us to live it!

Here are a couple key quotes from the book... "what we think of as the goal isn't really the goal.  The goal is not accomplishing the dream God has given you.  The dream is a secondary issue.  The primary issue is who you become in the process.  We fixate on what and when and where.  God's primary concern is always who.  And He won't get you where he wants you to go until you become who he wants you to be."  "Ultimately, all identity problems are really worship problems.  Identity issues are the result of worshipping the wrong thing."

Mark uses personal stories as well as examples from the life of David to help us understand how we can discover who God created us to be.

I was given this book to preview, in exchange for writing a review.  But even without being given the book, it is one I would have bought and would recommend that others buy.  By far Mark's best book to date!

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