Thursday, January 6, 2011

Best Book Read To Date....

I am a BIG fan of Scot McKnight.  His book Blue Parakete is an awesome book on how to read the Bible.  But his latest book is by far the best book I have read to date and that is saying something.  I read about a book a week on average and this one is TOP shelf!

His book is called "One Life: Jesus Calls, We Follow"   Highly recommend it!

Here is a quote from the book... "Somewhere along the line the kingdom became personal spirituality and sunday gatherings became services.  Somewhere along the line the church became a place where individuals could gather on sunday for an hour and feed their precious souls.  Somewhere along the line we converted Jesus' kingdom dream into a personal-spirituality dream.  Somewhere along the line kingdom ceased being society and became spirituality.  The impact is devastating for a generation that needs fellowship more than any generation in history.  We are standing now, as individuals, at the onset of the twenty-first century, looking at beautiful buildings with a wonderful history, but, we are also wondering if the twenty-second century will even know who we are and what churches were designed to accomplish.....

But there is hope, because we can enter into the kingdom dream of Jesus all over again by asking once again for the spirit of Pentecost to fill us, to baptize us, to swarm us, and to revolutionize us so that we live as that early fellowship of Jesus followers lived."

Here is Scot's definition of a Christian...   "a Christian is one who follows Jesus by devoting his or her to the kingdom of God, fired by Jesus' own imagination, to a life of loving God and loving others, and to a society shaped by justice, especially for those who have been marginalized, to peace, and to a life devoted to acquiring wisdom in the context of a local church.  This life can only be discovered by being empowered by God's Spirit."

His whole book works to develop and flesh out the above definition.  AWESOME read!

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