Monday, September 14, 2009

So Excited!

Just got off the phone from talking with my friend, Ryan who launched a new church plant yesterday! He reports a GREAT opening day with lots of new connections! If you know of anyone in the Lancaster PA area who is looking for a place to connect and serve, tell them to check out

If you have some extra money that you would like to employ in a great way for the kingdom of God... send it to Atlantic Northeast Distrct (Church of the Brethren) 500 east Cedar St. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 and mark the check Veritas Launch.

A cool story that Ryan shared with me... his dad is not a Christ follower at all and was there for the launch and afterward told Ryan that if he were younger, the very thing that he experienced in worship would appeal to him. That is an awesome comment of affirmation that says Ryan is doing what he is seeking to do... connect with a generation that is not connected to a church expression. So excited!

And inviting you to pray with me this week for Ryan and this launch!

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