Saturday, February 28, 2009


Impacting someone's life is a two way street... we impact them and they impact us.

We have had a huge impact in the lives of 24 men from the streets of Salisbury these past two weeks and they have had a huge impact on us!

Many of the guys were so appreciative of all that we have done for them. Many made it a point to come up to say thanks and goodbye. Two guys didn't want to leave... one kept his stuff set up until the very end and kept saying, "I am going to live here now!" The other, who was very very quiet this week, came up to me and said, "I wanna stay here forever and ever and ever!" What he was saying was THANKS for being a blessing! He was not a guy who took advantage of what we did for them... he was very reserved and often felt like he was imposing to take anything.

As we say good bye for now... I am praying for ways that we as a congregation and as a community can come together with others who have a similar passion to open a day center in the coming year and to begin laying the ground work for some transitional housing. Both are so needed!

Please join me in that prayer and let's see what the Lord will do in and through us in the coming year!

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