Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The end has come....

Today was the end of the Spring Turkey Season here in Maryland and boy am I glad in some ways and sad in others.... Glad, because they are frustrating birds and in the late season, they sure got the best of me. Glad, because I can sleep in till 5:30 now... no more getting up at 3:15 to get there before the silver light of morning. Glad, because the endless road trips up and down rt. 13 are now over. Sad, because I love spending time in the early morning out in God's world watching and listening to the "dawn chorus". Sad because, I didn't get my second bird!

Wil and I heard about 7 different gobblers this morning and worked one... or actually he worked us. We set up 5 different times on him and he gobbled the most that any have recently once on the ground... but still no turkey!

Two pics... the end and the beginning!

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