Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Powerful Influence

I've been thinking a lot about influence these days as I am doing a series on the call Jesus gives us to make disciples. This week we are exploring the theme... Disciples are both learners and teachers. Taken from the Great Commission text from Matthew 28, where Jesus says that we are to teach others the commands he taught us.

I've long wondered about the texts in Acts where whole households were baptized at once. Today, I was thinking about how that could be... through the powerful influence of a seriously committed Christ follower. If I take seriously the call to learn from Jesus and to teach my family his commands and help them experience his love, then I will be influencing them in a powerful way.... in the way of Jesus -- not as a destination, but as a journey... as a way of life.

I just came from spending some time at my daughter's school attending an awards assembly with her. What a better way to show her Christ's love than to show her that she is important to me! I am thankful that I have a job that allows me to spend that time with my kids when they have important events in their lives.

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