Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Dreads of Life...

One of the dreads of life... I just finished getting my tax information ready for the accountant! What a dread!!! It's a necessary evil I guess. I hate this time of year every year and some years I put it off...but not this year. Yeah!

I guess there is another way to look at this dread... and that is to be thankful that we have good jobs and make enough money that we have to pay taxes! Truly we are blessed. I am thankful to God for all that I have and for the ways he has blessed my family.

One other thing that happens when I fill out my tax information for the accountant... I get to see a total of all the charitable contributions we make throughout the year. And I always enjoy seeing the total of my expressions of thanks each year. We set out to give a minimum of 13% last year to our church and then on top of there are the other charitable requests that come our way.

When I realize that tax time reminds me of the blessings I have and the ways I help share those blessings I have been given, I don't dread it as much!

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