Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Something to think about...

In a book that I am reading, (The Rabbit and the Elephant) the authors write.... "All too often, we cheapen Christianity to the point that it becomes a religion of rules in which do's and don'ts (particularly the don'ts) govern our lives. In an effort to please God by being separate and not loving the world, we often live by the rule book rather than trusting that God has indeed transformed us from the inside out. When our spiritual walk is based on obligation and duty ("this is what a good Christian should do."), it eventually leads to a dull, lifeless religion or even more devastatingly, drives people away from the Lord altogether.... There is no question that the gospel should be preached. But what motivates us to do it? The grace and love of Jesus operating inside us causes us to want to do what legalism or shame-based religion says we ought to do. When we become alive in Christ, HE transforms us from the inside out. We find ourselves motivated by His life within. He gives us new desires. What was drudgery under the old system becomes life under the new. Paul could say, "The love of Christ compels us. (2 Corinthians 5:14) Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light.""

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